Volunteers Sought for UMaine, Penobscot Nation Greenhouse Project

INDIAN ISLAND – AmeriCorps members and the UMaine Bodwell Center for Service and Volunteerism, in conjunction with members of the Penobscot Nation, are looking for volunteers from the university and surrounding communities to help with a high-tunnel greenhouse gardening project on Indian Island this month.

In addition to allowing members of the Indian Island community to grow fresh, nutritious food, the high-tunnel greenhouse will provide protection for crops and plants, and will provide a longer growing season.

AmeriCorps members invite students and community members to help with the construction of the greenhouse and other community gardening projects. Volunteers can sign up for one or more days between May 15 and May 22. If area residents are unable to donate time, the project also needs gardening tools. The Bodwell Center will hold a Tool Drive May 9-14. New or used gardening tools can be dropped off at 5732 Hannibal Hamlin Hall between 7 a.m.-7 p.m.

Penobscot volunteers will begin preparation on May 15 for construction of the high-tunnel greenhouse. Bed preparation, construction and planting will continue through the week. The project is a way for AmeriCorps VISTA members and others to volunteer as part of National AmeriCorps Week. The Penobscot Nation high-tunnel greenhouse is part of an ongoing tradition of spring planting on Indian Island that area AmeriCorps workers are enthusiastic to work on during the 2011 AmeriCorps Week.

“We are extremely excited to bring the high tunnel greenhouse project to Indian Island,” says Penobscot Chief Kirk Francis. “Planting and living in a self-sustaining way has been part of our heritage for thousands of years. This project will provide opportunity for that connection to our young people and community and serve as a great educational tool to the importance of knowledge and health in being able to grow your own produce in a natural way.”

AmeriCorps Week is a nationwide celebration of AmeriCorps members and their contributions to communities across the state of Maine, as well as the nation. AmeriCorps members’ work includes helping students learn to read, mentoring at-risk youth, providing health services, building homes for low-income families and helping nonprofits recruit volunteers and achieve their missions.

Prospective volunteers are asked to contact Lauren Wagner at lauren.wagner@umit.maine.edu, Erin Lennon at erin.lennon@umit.maine.edu or call 581-1796 for details or to sign up. Maria Girouard at maria.girouard@penobscotnation.org or at 817-7471 also is available to answer questions.

Contact: Lauren Wagner or Erin Lennon, (207) 581-1796; Maria Girouard, (207) 817-7471