Substance Abuse, Older Adult Drug Abuse Is Colloquium Focus May 2
NORTHPORT — The Sixth Annual University of Maine Geriatric Colloquium planned Monday, May 2 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Point Lookout Resort and Conference Center in Northport will explore “Substance Abuse in Older Adults: An Invisible Epidemic.”
The conference will bring together experts in geriatrics as well as substance abuse to examine how older adults become addicted, how to the recognize the problem, and what treatment programs need to do to better serve older Mainers. It is intended for social workers, counselors, nurses, physicians, psychologists, substance abuse treatment professionals, and other professionals working in the field of aging. Presenters will include experts in the field of aging and substance abuse as well as those individuals addressing the needs of older adult substance abusers on the state level.
Event organizers, which include the UMaine Center on Aging and the UMaine School of Social Work, originally scheduled the event for April 1, but postponed it because of heavy snow that day.
A copy of the full program and registration materials are available on the Center on Aging website.
Contact: Lenard Kaye, (207) 262-7922