UMaine Portland Event to Recognize Business Leader, Detail Research Expedition

Contact: Joe Carr at (207) 581-3571,

ORONO — A presentation by University of Maine Professor Paul Mayewski, an internationally acclaimed climate scientist who has led research expeditions to some of the world’s most remote locations, will highlight a Tuesday April 19 event at the Portland Museum of Art.

Mayewski’s multimedia presentation will detail the recent Garrand Andes Expedition, made possible by the generous support of Brenda Garrand of Portland.  Chief executive officer of the Portland-based integrated marketing firm Garrand, she is an active supporter of Maine’s Orono-based flagship university and its Climate Change Institute (CCI), which Mayewski heads.

Tuesday’s event begins at 6 p.m. with a brief reception leading to a 6:30 program in the museum’s auditorium.  UMaine President Robert Kennedy will introduce Mayewski, whose presentation, “Exploration and Discovery” will include anecdotes about his remarkable career that began with his first research visit to Antarctica in 1968. Garrand will also offer her perspectives on the Climate Change Institute and its impact.

UMaine students will be on hand to display and demonstrate some of the equipment they use when conducting research in extreme weather conditions.  Guests will receive a small vial of 400,000 year old melted ice collected during a CCI expedition.