UMaine Surveying Students Place Second in National Event
Carlton Brown, 581-2781
ORONO — The University of Maine’s team of surveying engineering students recently won second place in the National Society of Professional Surveyors’ 10th annual student competition in Las Vegas.
As part of the competition, held in conjunction with the California Land Surveyors and Nevada Association of Land Surveyors joint conference, seven student teams were given four months to develop a project in the field of hydrographic surveying, write a 30-page paper, prepare a wall poster and give a 20-minute presentation. The annual competition is open to schools with baccalaureate degree programs in surveying, surveying engineering technology or surveying engineering.
Members of the UMaine team were Samuel Suorsa, Clark Chattin, Anthony Mazzarella, Andrew Piccirillo, Andrew Strout, Brian Moore and Daniel Menard. Team adviser Carlton Brown, assistant professor in the Surveying Engineering technology Program, accompanied the students to Las Vegas.
First, second and third place winners were Troy University, Troy, Ala.; UMaine; and Oregon Institute of Technology, Klamath Falls. Honorable mentions went to California State University, Fresno; Michigan Technological Institute, Houghton; New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark; and the University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez.
The National Society of Professional Surveyors is the national organization representing the land surveying profession in the United States. Its aims and objectives include advancing the sciences and disciplines within the profession, supporting new practical methods of surveying, promoting public faith and confidence in the profession, encouraging high standards of ethical and professional behavior, and seeking improvements in higher education curricula for surveyors.