Stanley Sue Lecture Nov. 5 on African-American Mothers, Depression, Children

Contact: Craig Lodis, (207) 907-989

ORONO — The third annual Stanley Sue Lecture Series presented by the UMaine Clinical Psychology Diversity Committee is presenting Rhonda Boyd, assistant professor at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, who will discuss “Preventative Interventions: The impact of depression in African-American mothers on their children.”

The event, from 2-3:30 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 5 in Room 211 of Little Hall, is free and open to the public.

Boyd is a researcher, professor and clinician whose clinical expertise is in providing cognitive-behavioral therapy for children with internalizing disorders. Her research focuses on ethnic minority mothers with depression and their children. Boyd examines risk factors, in addition to protective and contextual factors that influence the transmission of depression from the mother to child.

Stanley Sue is a distinguished professor at the University of California, Davis, and a renowned pioneer in diversity work and examination of mental health stigma and treatment among ethnic minorities. He has received numerous awards, including the most recent, the 2009 Distinguished Service to the Profession of Psychology Award from the Los Angeles County Psychological Association.

The Stanley Sue Lecture series is designed to promote acceptance and understanding of various cultures — with a focus on attitudes related to mental health diagnosis and treatment — in an effort to foster discussion and better inform clinicians and the community.

Last year’s lecturer was Abe Hideko of the Colby College faculty, speaking on language, gender and sexuality in Japan, and in 2008, Stephen Gilson of UMaine, speaking about disability, diversity and health policy through the lens of legitimacy theory.