Workshop Will Demystify Small-Scale Biodiesel Production

Contact: Caragh Fitzgerald, 622-7546 or (800) 287-1481

MONMOUTH — A hands-on biodiesel processing workshop is set for Thursday, June 12 from 9:45 a.m. – 5 p.m. at the University of Maine’s Highmoor Farm in Monmouth. The cost is $6 and advance registration is required. To register, call University of Maine Cooperative Extension’s Kennebec County office at 622-7546 (800-287-1481 in Maine) or e-mail Caragh Fitzgerald at

The main objective of the workshop is to demystify biodiesel production, emphasizing high-quality fuel production methods as well as proper safety precautions. People of all levels of experience are encouraged to attend.

Representatives from Piedmont Biofuels, a North Carolina biodiesel cooperative that promotes grassroots sustainability by encouraging the use of biofuels, will lead the seminar. Piedmont’s expertise is in small-scale biodiesel production, including small producer co-ops and even backyard operations. A mobile biodiesel demonstration unit will be used to review and demonstrate steps in biodiesel processing.

The day will begin with an introduction to biodiesel production, proper handling and use, and the U.S. biodiesel industry, followed by a hands-on opportunity to make a small batch of biodiesel. The mobile biodiesel production and oilseed crushing trailer will allow participants to see all the components of a small commercial biodiesel production system in operation. Participants will learn how to crush their own oilseed crops for oil that can be used to produce high-quality biodiesel. In addition, there will be a review of oilseed crop production and the economics of biodiesel production from oilseeds.

Funding for the program is provided by the USDA-Risk Management Agency. Local sponsors include University of Maine Cooperative Extension, the Maine Agricultural and Forest Experiment Station, and the Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association. Anyone needing special accommodations to participate in the program must notify the UMaine Extension Kennebec County office at least ten days before the workshop.