Guide to Sustainable Tourism Downeast Named Project of the Year

Contact: Contact Joe Carr at 207-581-3571

CHERRYFIELD, Me. — A project focusing on sustainable tourism development in Washington and Hancock counties has been named “Outstanding Area-Wide Project of the Year” by Downeast Resource Conservation and Development. The Resource Guide for Sustainable Tourism in Down East Maine and Southwest New Brunswick, produced by the Vacationland Resources Committee, is a comprehensive guide to environmentally-friendly business practices, with a focus on eastern Maine and southwestern New Brunswick.

“The Resource Guide is one of several ways that we are implementing DESTINY 2010, a plan to foster appropriate, responsible and sustainable development of cultural and nature-based tourism opportunities for regional economic prosperity,” said Judy East, co-chair of the Vacationland Resources Committee. The committee is working with the Sunrise County Economic Council and Savory Bay Consulting to support efforts like hospitality training, website development, and brochures describing the area’s cultural attractions. “The Vacationland Resources Committee felt that Natalie Springuel, primary author of the Resource Guide, should be especially recognized for bringing so much of that work into one helpful format,” said East.

“The Downeast region is emerging as a leader in sustainable tourism, due to the initiative taken by businesses in Hancock and Washington counties,” said Natalie Springuel, a marine extension associate with Maine Sea Grant. Springuel coordinated the project and co-wrote the guide with Stephanie Clement of Friends of Acadia, and other members of the Vacationland Resources Committee.

Springuel, who accepted the award on behalf of the committee in February, noted that the guide is innovative because it extends across the border to include Charlotte County, New Brunswick, promoting a regional identity of shared heritage and natural resources. “Nature doesn’t stop at the border, so tourism shouldn’t either,” she said.

“We all agreed that this guide is a very useful tool for our business community, and the tourism industry in general,” said Gary Edwards, coordinator of resource conservation and development with the U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service. Edwards said his agency has a tradition of annually recognizing outstanding partners and regional projects. “This project meets our mission to protect, conserve and develop our resources. Sometimes developing resources the right way is the best way to conserve them,” said Edwards.

The Resource Guide is available from Maine Sea Grant and online at