Women in the Curriculum and Women’s Studies Announces Fall Lecture Lineup

Contact: Mazie Hough, (207) 581-1225; George Manlove, (207) 581-3756

ORONO — The University of Maine’s Women in the Curriculum and Women’s Studies Program’s fall 2007 lunch time lecture offers thought-provoking talks by noted authorities in women’s studies and related subjects. Presenters include faculty members from the UMaine campus and special guest speakers.

All programs are free and scheduled from 12:15-1:30 p.m. in the Bangor Room of the Memorial Union, unless otherwise noted.

A related event, the 22nd Annual Maryann Hartman Awards to Women of Achievement ceremony is scheduled for Nov. 6 at 5 p.m. at the Buchanan Alumni House. This also is a free and public event.

Sept. 11

“Thawing the North: Sandra Nettlebeck’s ‘Mostly Martha’ as a German-Italian Eat-Opia,” with Gisela Hoecherl-Alden, associate professor of German, and Laura Lindenfeld, research assistant professor in the UMaine Department of Communication & Journalism and the Margaret Chase Smith Center; Bumps Room

Sept. 18

“The Walking Tour about UMaine Women: Past and Present,” with Sandy Caron, professor of family relationships; Bumps Room

Sept. 25

“Gender, Schooling, and Forced Migration: Stories from Somali Women in the Dedaab Refugee Camp,” with Patti Buck, assistant professor of education, Bates College; Bumps Room

Oct. 3

“Maine Women and the Environment: Edith Patch, Helen Nearing and the Next Generation,” with Mary Bird, instructor in education and curatorial associate, and Mimi Killinger-Pandescio, part-time faculty, Honors College, and Cheryl Daigle, community liaison & outreach coordinator, Penobscot River Restoration Project

Oct. 10

“Sexual Harassment in the Transition to Adulthood,” with Amy Blackstone, assistant professor of sociology

Oct. 16

“Ideal Femininity Changes Color: J Lo as the New Superwoman,” with Lisa Flores, director of the Center for Critical Race Studies, University of Utah; Totman Lounge

Oct. 18

“Finding the Deep River within: A Woman’s Guide to Recovering Balance & Meaning in Everyday Life,” with Abby Seixas, psychotherapist and author; co-sponsored by the UMaine Bookstore, the UMaine Counseling Center and the University of Maine Employee Assistance & Wellness Program; Coe Room

Oct. 24

“The Great Legacy for Women of the Russian Piano School,” with Ludmilla Lifson, Longy School of Music faculty and Solati Trio member, and Eda Mazo-Shlyam, Longy School of Music faculty

Oct. 30

“Religion and Sexuality: Gender Roles in the Major Religious Traditions,” with Bangor-area religious leaders; part of the Religion and Sexuality Series; organized by Sandy Caron, professor of family relationships; FFA Room

Nov. 7

“Gentle Warrior for Peace: Tribute to Rita Joe, Mi’kmaq-Canadian Poet Laureate, 1932-2007,” with Miigam’agan, a member of the Mi’kmaq Nation, Phyllis Brazee, director of the UMaine Peace Studies Program, and Paul Deagle, Skowhegan Area High School English teacher; part of Canada Week; organized by John Maddaus, associate professor of education

Nov. 13

“Latin American Women and Popular Culture: What l Learned in SPA 490,” with Spanish lecturer Maria Sandweiss and students; Bumps Room

Nov. 27

“Male Faculty in the Women’s Studies Classroom: Why Integrate Feminism into the Curriculum?” with Stephen Marks, professor of sociology, Eric Peterson, professor of communication & journalism, Marwin Spiller, assistant professor of sociology, and Nathan Stormer, associate professor of communication & journalism; Bumps Room

Dec. 5

“Between La Survivance and Cosmo: Grace Metalious’ No Adam in Eden,” with Susan Pinette, director of Franco-American studies and associate professor of modern languages & classics; where?


“Fibromyalgia in Women: A Literature of the Causes, Experiences, and Consequences,” with Sandy Sigmon, professor of psychology

For more information, please call Women in the Curriculum and the Women’s Studies Program in Fernald Hall at (207) 581-1228.