Grant to More Than Double Campus Recycling Effort

Contact: Joshua Parda, 581-3322; George Manlove, 581-3756

ORONO — The University of Maine on Monday received a grant for $6,000 from the Johnson Controls Educational Giving Program to pay a Green Campus Initiative student-employee to more than double the number of buildings to be assessed for improvements in UMaine’s recycling efforts.

A student coordinator will review sustainability initiatives now in academic buildings, in addition to residential buildings. Previously, GCI staff member and GCI co-coordinator Josh Parda, was able to personally canvass residence halls, but not the larger number of buildings housing offices and classrooms.

“It is our hope the position will uncover simple ways in which the university can reduce carbon emissions, improve recycling and reduce waste,” Parda says. “There is definitely room for improvement. A lot of it is simple. It could mean having recycling bins next to copiers.”

Parda says the biggest source of waste on campus is paper waste, which is highly recyclable.

Receiving the check on Monday from Johnson Controls representatives John DiModica and Brad Parsons were: Gordon Nelson, director of property management for Auxiliary Services; Mike Parker, a student employee and co-coordinator of GCI; Parda; and Janet Waldron, vice president for administration and financial.

Information about UMaine’s Green Campus Initiative program is available by calling Parda at (207) 581-3322 or visiting the Department of Facilities Management’s Sustainability website.

Johnson Controls is a Milwaukee-based corporation that donates $250,000 annually to schools, colleges and universities through its Educational Achievement Giving Program. Examples of programs and initiatives that its grants support include science and math materials, engineering scholarships, energy and environmental education, mentoring programs and solar boat or car competitions.

Johnson Controls, Inc. specializes in automotive systems and facilities management and control technology, including thermostats.