UMaine Researcher Chosen to Assist with Homeland Security

Contact: Darrell Donahue (207) 581-2728
David Munson (207) 581-3777

ORONO, Maine – The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) has selected UMaine engineering professor Darrell Donahue to receive a Science & Technology Policy Fellowship beginning in September. During his yearlong appointment, Donahue will provide technical and engineering expertise for policy development and implementation to officials in the Department of Homeland Security’s Animal Health Agrodefense Program in the Weapons of Mass Destruction Division.

Donahue is one of nearly 160 scientists and engineers to receive a 2007-08 AAAS fellowship.  The fellowships were created more than 30 years ago to provide scientific and technical expertise to legislators and policymakers to support well-informed decisions and improved policies, while educating scientists about policymaking at the federal level. Donahue is a leading researcher in the areas of quantitative risk assessment and process sensor development.

The prestigious Science & Technology Policy Fellowships place leading experts from the academic, nonprofit and industry sectors, in Congressional offices and in more than a dozen federal agencies, including the Department of Defense, the National Institutes of Health, and the Environmental Protection Agency.