Tanglewood 4-H Camp Receives ACA Accreditation

Contact: Corey Pickett, 207-789-5803

LINCOLNVILLE, Me. — University of Maine Cooperative Extension’sTanglewood 4-H Camp and Learning Center, an organization that workswith more than 3,000 Maine young people every year, has been granted anational accreditation from the American Camp Association. Accreditedcamps must meet more than 300 standards and safety guidelines set forthby the ACA, going beyond local and state requirements. Staffqualifications, training, emergency management, building conditions,and hundreds of other aspects of Tanglewood passed an extensiveinspection last August.

“ACA accreditation is a mark of distinction for camps,” said BetteBussel, executive director for ACA New England. “We strongly encourageparents to pay attention to the ACA-accredited camp status of campsduring the camp search process.”

Tanglewood, a 4-H youthdevelopment program of University of Maine Cooperative Extension, isone of the most affordable camps in the state and it has been teachingyouth and adults to live harmoniously with the earth for 25 years. 

“This accreditation made us take stock of what we doand how we do it,” said camp director and Tanglewood co-founder CindyDunham. “These kids mean the world to us. Knowing that what we havebeen doing for the last 25 years is worthy of this accreditation makesit that much better, both for us and the kids who come here.”

Tanglewood has announced its 2007 programs, which will include day campand residential camp for younger children, and discovery trips andleadership training for older children and teens. Tanglewood alsoinvites adults over the age of 55 to participate in Elderhostel, aseries of college-level courses on topics such as natural history anddiscovering the Maine woods and coast. For more information onTanglewood and its programs, visit www.tanglewood4h.org.


Note: a Tanglewood photo is available upon request.