Publication Cites UMaine Value

Contact: Joe Carr at (207) 581-3571

ORONO — Barron’s Educational Series, Inc. has listed the University of Maine as one of the 247 “Best Buys in College Education” in its new reference book by that name. Barron’s ratings are based on written input from colleges and universities and from those institutions’ students.

“It is nice to be recognized for quality and value in the context of a national survey,” says UMaine President Robert Kennedy. “UMaine is a growing and thriving academic community, made up of an extraordinary faculty, terrific students and a dedicated, hard-working staff. Important indicators, such as growing enrollment, increased private fundraising and the scholarly achievements that occur at UMaine every day all point to increasing academic quality and a growing ability to serve the needs of Maine’s people in a unique and important way.”

Earlier this year, UMaine was listed by the Princeton Review as one of the “Best 361 Colleges” in the U.S.

“Barron’s and Princeton Review have one important thing in common,” says UMaine Dean of Students Robert Dana. “Both are based, at least in part, on surveys of students. Our students are telling UMaine’s story, and they are giving a positive report. That is most gratifying, and it indicates that UMaine’s focus on students is both appropriate and effective.”

Barron’s “Best Buys in College Education” is currently in bookstores.