Ward Receives Prestigious Statewide Award

Contact: Joe Carr at 581-3571

Note: The following appears in the Maine Development Foundation’s newsletter:

The Kenneth M. Curtis Leadership Award
Recognizing Extraordinary Achievements by Leadership Maine Graduates

James(Jake) S. Ward IV, Executive Director of the Office of Research and Economic Development, University of Maine received the eleventh Kenneth M. Curtis Leadership Award at MDF’s Annual Meeting on September 8. Only alumni of Leadership Maine are eligible to receive this prestigious award. Named in honor of former Governor Kenneth M. Curtis for his abilities to influence change in the face of conflict, the purpose of the award is to recognize exemplary leadership and in so doing provide inspiration for others to do the same.

Jake is known throughout that state as someone who builds coalitions and can make things happen. His ability to recognize opportunities and bring people together has led to many successful ventures. He is on many boards, including Maine Composites Alliance, MTI, Bangor Area Target Dev. Corp., and EMDC. Whether on the job or as a dedicated volunteer, Jake is making things happen in research and development in Maine. A member of the Zeta Class of Leadership Maine, he lives in Hampden with his wife Susan and sons Jacob, Sam, and Michael.

The following quotes from folks that nominated him say it best:

“Everyone who encounters Jake Ward is impressed by his passion for his work and his limitless energy. His enthusiasm for creating technological infrastructure in Maine and favorable conditions for new businesses to grow is infectious. He is just the kind of forward thinking, hardworking leaders that the Leadership Maine program should be putting forth as an example to its future graduates.”

~ Mike Hastings, Director of Research and Sponsored Programs, University of Maine

“It is important to note is that Jake has an impressive ability to make people want to do things, he educates as well as leads. He does this in a way that allows for people to find the capacity to lead themselves — which is a true skill.”

~ Jennifer O’Leary, Marketing Leader, U Maine Cooperative Extension

“Jake builds coalitions to make things happen.~ Anyone who has ever met with Jake has seen him jump up to the whiteboard and draw overlapping circles, representing different entities coming together and identifying common ground to solve a problem or seize an opportunity.~ His ability to recognize opportunities and bring people together has led to many successful ventures, ranging from business-faculty research partnerships to the conversion of a former salmon farm into a world-class aquaculture research and business incubation facility.”

~ Renee Kelly, Director of Economic Development Initiatives, Office of Research and Economic Development, University of Maine

“Jake’s energy and enthusiasm to support my project and a number like it has been an inspiration when the going has been extremely rough! My company would not be supporting 8 current jobs in Franklin with the prospect of 25 more without his efforts and enthusiasm. I know that many more projects than mine have equally benefited from Jake’s time and example.”

~ Peter Cowin, Seabait, LLC

Jake provides~”exemplary leadership and in so doing provides inspiration for others to do the same.” ~Jake has led the way~on numerous successful projects~willing to~face the many~challenges and hurdles~that have confronted them.~ He has been a true contributor to~moving~Maine forward, not only building a stronger State, but ensuring a brighter future.”

~Senator Elizabeth M. Schneider, District 30

“Jake is a highly committed, thoughtful and strategic leader who has guided and supported Maine’s R&D efforts in his role at the University of Maine.~ He is often behind the scenes, but his fingerprints are on the outcome with excellent results.”~

~ Betsy Beimann, CEO and Director, Maine Technology Institute

“Jake is collaborative and selfless, and shown great leadership developing the University’s R&D capacity.~ Licensing revenue and R&D activity have more than tripled during Jake’s tenure.~ Because of his efforts Maine has received a ranking of #2 in the country for number of spin-outs from a University.”~

~ Janet Yancey-Wrona, Ph.D., former Director, Office of Innovation, DECD

“Jake is exceptional in his commitment and knowledge of all that is going on throughout the state.~ He is respected and admired for his insight, his unselfish dedication to our state and ultimately to a sustainable economy.”

~ Chris Rector, State Representative, House District 48

“He has a vision for where the state of Maine should go, and a broad and comprehensive view of the type of investment that will lead to a more prosperous future. Jake is noted for his fairness and honesty, along with his ability to explain complex technology to legislators and others.”

~Mary Cathcart, Senior Policy Associate, Margaret Chase Smith Center

Past winners include former Governor Angus S. King, Jr., Kevin P. Gildart, VP, Bath Iron Works, Kent Wommack, former CEO, Nature Conservancy; Joyce Hedlund, President, Eastern Maine Community College; Charles A. Morrison, President, Androscoggin County Chamber of Commerce; Dianne Tilton, past Executive Director Sunrise County Economic Council; Mike Roy, City Administrator, City of Waterville; Laurie Lachance, CEO, Maine Development Foundation (formerly state economist); Steve Rowe, State Attorney General, and Ed Cormier, President, Harriman Associates.