Special Lectures on Penobscot Author Scheduled for Sept. 25

Contact: Margo Lukens, 581-3823; George Manlove, 581-3756

ORONO — Three speakers, all scholars of Wabanaki culture, will present a variety of perspectives on 19th century Penobscot author Joseph Nicolar during a special program Monday, Sept. 25, at 7 p.m. in Minsky Recital Hall in the Class of 1944 Hall.

Nicolar wrote “Life and Traditions of the Red Man” in 1893 and collected traditional stories and oral records of late 19th century Penobscot culture. Speakers will discuss Nicolar’s work, his family of origin and his descendants, and the education that led to his career as a writer, tribal leader and tribal state representative.

Margo Lukens, chair of the UMaine English Department, says the program is the result of a collaboration among the Penobscot Nation Cultural & Historic Preservation Department, the English Department and the speakers themselves.

The three presenters are James Francis, Penobscot Nation tribal historian, Charles N. Shay, a Penobscot elder and grandson of Nicolar, and Professor Annette Kolodny of the University of Arizona. Kolodny has edited a new edition of “Life and Traditions of the Red Man,” which is forthcoming in spring 2007 from Duke University Press.

Shay has republished works by and about his mother and aunt, and will have books for sale and signing at the lecture. Some of James Francis’s work on Native language and place names will appear in a special section of this weekend’s Bangor Daily News Sept. 23.

The event is free and open to the public. Following the three 20-minute talks, the speakers will answer questions from the audience. A reception will follow immediately after the event in the lobby of Class of 1944 Hall.

The program is sponsored by the Penobscot Nation Cultural & Historic Preservation Department, UMaine departments of English and History, Native American Studies, Wabanaki Center, Women in the Curriculum/Women’s Studies, Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity, Division of Lifelong Learning, and the UMaine Multicultural Programs/ALANA Center.