Princeton Review Ranks UMaine Among the Best

Contact: Joe Carr at (207) 581-3571

ORONO — For the third consecutive year, the University of Maine is listed by the Princeton Review as one of the best choices for undergraduate education.  The New York-based publisher announced the details of its annual book, “The Best 361 Colleges,” earlier today.  Princeton Review rankings are based on several criteria, including the opinions of each institution’s students.

“We are particularly gratified by this ranking because it reflects the fact that our students recognize the quality and value of the undergraduate experience at UMaine,” says UMaine President Robert Kennedy.    An average of 300 students per institution respond to the Princeton Review’s 80-question survey.

“We chose schools for this book primarily for their outstanding academics,” says Robert Franek, Princeton Review’s vice president, publishing.  “We evaluated them on institutional data we collect about the schools, feedback from students attending them, and our visits to schools over the years.  We also consider the opinions of independent college counselors, students and parents we hear from and survey year-long.  Finally, we work to have a wide representation of colleges in the book by region, size, selectivity and character.”

An editorial team from Princeton Review visited UMaine during the 2004-2005 academic year.

“As we move toward the beginning of a new academic year, this independent affirmation of UMaine’s quality if most welcome,” Kennedy says.  “Enrollment continues to rise, particularly among students from states other than Maine, and we are excited about the high academic quality and other attributes of our new and returning students.”

Fall semester classes begin at UMaine on Tuesday, Sept. 5.