UMaine Public Safety Director to Speak in Russia about Campus Safety

Contact: Noel March, 581-4053; George Manlove, 581-3756

ORONO — UMaine Public Safety Director Noel March has been invited to speak at an international conference in Russia on May 19 about campus policing and security matters.

He is one of two North Americans scheduled to present, along with four other speakers, all experts in university security and safety. The other North American is Canadian Dan Hutt, public safety director at the University of Toronto.

They will address the Sixth International Conference on Campus Security at the University of St. Petersburg, a gathering of hundreds of public safety officers from European and Eastern European colleges and universities.

March, public safety director at UMaine since 2002 and recognized by the U.S. Department of Justice as an expert in community and campus policing, has spoken and delivered presentations at national conferences and at other universities.

His May 19 presentation is titled “Community Policing and Protective Measures for Campus Security,” and stems from recent work March has done with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Office of Domestic Preparedness, in the area of protective measures for college campuses.

Following the St. Petersburg conference, March is scheduled to spend four days meeting with local police, campus security officers and residence life staff at The American University in Bulgaria in Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria, with which UMaine has a sister relationship. Meetings will include discussions with community police on handling potential conflicts between university residents and those in surrounding communities.