Feb. 23 UMaine Speaker to Address Change and Continuity in Russia

Contact: Joe Carr at (207) 581-3571

ORONO — Thomas Remington, professor and chair of the Political Science Department at Emory University in Atlanta, will visit the University of Maine later this month for a series of presentations to share his perspectives on contemporary Russia and the post-Soviet region.

“Understanding the nature and direction of political change in this part of the world has become even more critical with the intensive involvement in the post-Soviet region by the United States and other western countries and organizations,” says Prof. James Warhola of the UMaine political science faculty. “Dr. Thomas Remington is an esteemed scholar whose insights into this subject are informed, interesting and timely.”

Remington will make two public presentations at UMaine on Thursday, Feb. 23. He will present a lecture, “Russia: Transition to Democracy?” from 12:30-1:45 p.m. in the Bangor Room of Memorial Union. This talk, during which Remington will assess the nature of the Russian regime, is part of UMaine’s Marxist and Socialist Studies Lecture Series. At 7 p.m., as part of UMaine’s Distinguished Lecture Series, Remington will give a talk, “Putin, the US, and the New Age of Empire.” The evening lecture is scheduled for Room 100 of the Donald P. Corbett Business Building.

Both events are free and open to the public.

Among his many honors, Remington is the recipient of the Emory Williams Distinguished Teaching Award at Emory University. He travels frequently to Russia and the post-Soviet region, and he is in high demand as an academic expert on that region. He is the author or co-author of eight books related to his area of expertise, along with over 60 journal articles and book chapters.

Note: a photo of Prof. Remington is available upon request.