Honors College Group Returns from St. Louis

Contact: Emily Ann Cain at (207) 581-3308

ORONO — Twenty-three students, three faculty members, and five staff members from the University of Maine Honors College returned home on Sunday after enjoying five days in St. Louis, Missouri at the National Collegiate Honors Council Annual Conference. This year’s conference theme, “Gateway to Exploration and Discovery,” paved the way for exciting keynote sessions from a St. Louis historian and a ragtime band. The group also visited the St. Louis Arch and the courthouse where the Dred Scott decision was made. Both venues were open exclusively to conference attendees on Friday night free of charge. The visit to the arch was especially meaningful because it was the 40th anniversary of the arch’s opening on October 28, 1965. Another highlight of the conference was the Presidential Luncheon, where UMaine’s Honors College accepted a second place award for Minerva, the annual Honors College magazine.

Presentations from UMaine students, faculty, and staff included:

“Honors Histography: The Process and Methodologies for Creating a History of Honors”
Rachel Snell, James Redstone

“A Cultural Odyssesy – Student Facilitated Gateway to the Arts”
Sarah GAamble, Michael King, Emma Wojtal, William Beaudoin

“International Students in Honors”
Marianne Schneider

“Gateways to Medical Schools: Is Honors the Key?”
Michelle Ouellette, Alia Whitehead

“Living Learning Communities in Honors”
Jack Cohen, Brigham McNaughton, Matthew Dube

“Ties to Home – An Exploration of American Family Values”
Samantha Foster, Brittany Cheney

“Development in Honors: A Generational Model”
Charlie Slavin, Emily Cain, Jessica Lukas, David Lapointe

“Faculty Gateways to Honors”
Mark Haggerty, Kathleen Ellis, Paul Grosswiler

Student “Idea Exchange” participants included:

Honors and Peer-Tutoring
Elizabeth Morse, Yen Nguyen

The Last Lecture Series: Fresh Ideas from Familiar Places
Seth Robertson, Jack Cohen

Student Poster Session participants from UMaine included:

The Combined Effects of Cyanobacterial Lipopolysaccharids and Heavy Metals
Cassandra Patenaude

A Fellow Disciple: The Faith of John Adams
Rachel Snell

Examining Isolates of Streptococcus Zooepidemicus in Equines
Anne Wyllie