Class of 1934 Cultural Affairs Fund

Contact: Heidi Carlow, 581-1512

Administered by the Cultural Affairs/Distinguished Lecture Series Committee

Income from the Fund shall be used to support cultural activities in arts, drama, literature, or music for the enjoyment of University students, faculty, staff, and friends.

1. Who may submit applications? On-campus organizations. Proposals for events that showcase the creative work of students and/or faculty are especially encouraged. The committee may, at its discretion, restrict submissions from organizations that have recently received awards.

2. How does the proposal process work? The CA/DLS committee shall consider applications during its regular meetings. For the Fall 2005 competition, $15,000 in Class of 1934 monies will be available for 1 or 2 awards.

3. Where will events take place? Campus locations, including the Maine Center for the Arts.

4. Amount of awards: No more than half of the total budget for an event.

5. Typical budget items: Honoraria; expenses to bring artists to campus and house them; production expenses; publicity.

6. Expenses not covered: Out-of-state travel or presentations; shipping costs; equipment purchases; salaries/stipends for on-campus personnel; receptions.

7. Mode of payment of award: Invoices to administrator (Heidi Carlow; 1-1512) of CA/DLS committee.

8. Acknowledgement: All printed materials used in association with activities supported by the fund shall acknowledge the Class of 1934 Cultural Affairs Fund.

9. Information and proposal guidelines for Class of 1934 Fund: available from the Cultural Affairs/Distinguished Lecture Series Committee by contacting Heidi Carlow, President’s Office, 200 Alumni Hall , 581-1512; or from FirstClass conference for the Committee. Co-chairs of the committee are Fran