UMaine Composites Center Announces New $6.2 Million U.S. Army R&D Program

Contact: Joe Carr at (207) 581-3571

ORONO– In a move that will increase opportunities for Maine businesses and University of Maine faculty and students, the University of Maine will announce a $6.2 million U.S. Army research program in the UMaine Advanced Engineered Wood Composites (AEWC) Center at 10:30 a.m. on May 6. The program takes advantage of newly expanded laboratory space financed with a voter-approved bond in 2004.

The research focus will be on studies of high strength structures for military applications, including advanced materials, tent protective structures, high-performance airbeams, rigidified inflatable structures, rapidly deployable bridges, and ballistic modular building components. AEWC engineers will work with the U.S. Army Natick Soldier Center and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

Scheduled to speak at the May 6 event will be U.S. Senator Susan Collins and U.S. representatives Michael Michaud and Thomas Allen. U.S. Senator Olympia Snowe will be represented by Gail Kelly of the senator’s Bangor office. Representing the U.S. Army will be Frank Kostka, director of collective protection, U.S. Army Natick Soldier Center; and Dr. Reed Mosher, technical director, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, ERDC Center, Vicksburg, Mississippi.

Jack Cashman, commissioner of the Maine Department of Economic and Community Development, will represent Governor John Baldacci. Tim Hodgdon of Hodgdon Yachts, Boothbay Harbor, will address benefits for Maine industry.

University of Maine President Robert Kennedy, University of Maine System Chancellor Joseph Westphal and Vice-President for Research Michael Eckardt will discuss the importance of the U.S. Army program.

Following the presentations will be a tour of AEWC’s laboratory, including the $4.5 million expansion. The 15,000 square-foot addition was a key part of UMaine’s ability to meet the Army’s research needs, says Habib Dagher, AEWC director. “The facilities investment by the voters, the Legislature and the Governor allowed us to taken on this large new R&D program.”

The facilities include equipment and space to develop thick composites technologies, resin infusion processes and polymer extrusion. The space accommodates an anticipated 35 additional research personnel, including engineers, scientists and support staff who will be funded through the new research program.

“UMaine is looking forward to develop advanced lightweight construction materials and structures that will better protect our troups from attacks, while providing unique learning opportunities for our students, and business procurement opportunities for Maine industry” says Dagher.

Leading the effort to demonstrate the AEWC’s capabilities to the Army were President Kennedy, Chancellor Westphal, Vice-President for Research Eckardt and Dagher. Maine’s congressional delegation played a crucial role in supporting the program.

“This announcement underscores our commitment to research that holds promise for Maine’s economy,” says Kennedy. “It’s a natural marriage, with the Army and its critical needs for rapidly deployable, secure facilities on the one hand and UMaine’s exceptional strength in this area on the other.”

Before coming to UMaine, Chancellor Westphal was an Assistant Secretary of the Army in Washington D.C. “This program is a major accomplishment for UMaine, and the latest recognition of its national prominence in research and development. It will create many new educational and research opportunities for faculty and students as well as tremendous new economic benefits and potential for the State,” he says.

Researchers in UMaine Composites laboratory develop and investigate the properties of synthetic and natural fiber based composites at scales from molecules to large structures. With eight different labs occupying 48,000 square feet, AEWC provides the only university-based research facility in the US where new Composites products can be taken from initial concept to prototype design and full scale production and testing under one roof.