Extension’s Potato Technical Assistance Program Honored

Contact: James Dwyer, University of Maine Cooperative Extension, Presque Isle, 207-764-3361

ORONO, Maine. — The University of Maine Cooperative Extension Potato/Crops
Program received a 2004 Award of Excellence Feb. 1 in Washington D.C. from
the Northeast Cooperative Extension Directors. This is the highest award
presented by Extension directors in the Northeast. It recognizes Extension
outreach programming that has achieved outstanding accomplishments,
results and impacts in addressing contemporary issues.

James D. Dwyer, crop specialist, Extension
professor and team leader, accepted the award. Maine was one of three
states honored. Nominations included fourteen programs in the northeast
region that runs from Maine to West Virginia and Washington, D.C.

UMaine Cooperative Extension has a
multidisciplinary educational team working with the potato industry.
According to a 2003 study commissioned by Maine Potato Board, the Maine
potato industry is the largest agricultural industry in the state. It
directly employs over 2,600 individuals within 500 businesses and has an
economic value to Maine