Watershed Program Focuses On Lincoln Area Lakes

Contact: Laura Wilson, University of Maine Cooperative Extension, 207-581-2971, lwilso91@maine.edu

ORONO–Lincoln area residents will have the opportunity this winter to learn about water quality in lakes and how to protect it. The University of Maine Cooperative Extension is offering its Watershed Stewards program starting February 16 at the Lincoln Town Office.

The program will run on Wednesday evenings, 6:30 to 9 p.m., through March 30 with an additional training on a date to be announced.

Instructors will cover a variety of topics including basic lake functions, water quality threats such as pollution and invasive plants, and ways to protect water quality. The program will focus on lakes of interest to the participants.

The cost is $20 and a commitment to provide 25 hours of volunteer time on water quality protection efforts. The fee can be waived under special circumstances. Interested citizens can contact Laura Wilson, Extension assistant scientist, at 207-581-2971 or by e-mail, lwilso91@maine.edu.