UMaine/UVote Registration and Education Program Under Way; Green Party Nominee Pat LaMarche at UMaine Wednesday

Contact: Joe Carr at (207) 581-3571

ORONO — Following this week’s University of Maine visit by Democratic vice presidential nominee John Edwards, and with the November election looming in just a few weeks, interest in politics at UMaine is running high.

With several ongoing activities and planned events, the university’s UMaine/UVote program is helping to facilitate discussion and provide voter registration opportunities for UMaine students.

“We believe that it is part of our responsibility to help students develop a sense of their role in our democracy, so that they leave UMaine with an understanding of what it means to be an active, contributing member of society,” says UMaine Associate Dean of Students Angel Loredo, who oversees UMaine/UVote.  The Edwards visit stemmed from a UMaine/UVote invitation issued to national candidates in the major political parties through state campaign coordinators. 

The next scheduled event is an appearance set for Wednesday, Sept. 15 at 12:30 p.m. in Memorial Union’s Coe Room by Pat LaMarche, the Green Party’s vice presidential nominee.

“There is tangible momentum for these programs following the activities of the past several days, including the John Edwards rally and statewide efforts related to the New Voter Project, an important initiative involving state government and higher education,” Loredo says.  “We want our students and others in the UMaine community to have access to useful information, so that they can be informed participants in the process.”

Loredo points out that UMaine/UVote is meant to be a comprehensive program, which provides educational opportunities related to national, statewide and local campaigns and issues.

“While we’re delighted to be visited by nationally prominent people,” Loredo says, “it is also important for our students and others to have opportunities to learn about local candidates and to become informed about statewide issues.”

In addition to ongoing voter registration activities and LaMarche’s Wednesday appearance, other scheduled events include:

  • “Social Issues Impacting the Political Process,” a talk by UMaine political science professor Mark Brewer on Monday, Sept. 20 at noon in Memorial Union

  • “The Image of the Presidency: Why Vote?,” a discussion featuring UMaine political science professor Richard Powell on Thursday Sept. 30 at noon in Memorial Union

Tentative plans call for further activities, including forums with local candidates and possible debates on national issues featuring UMaine students who are involved with on-campus political organizations.

“Because they are in a place where the exchange of ideas is encouraged, UMaine students are in a unique position to learn and to participate,” Loredo says. “Young voters are a growing force in this country, and their impact is real.  We know that UMaine students take their right and responsibility to participate in the process seriously, and we hope and expect that they will turn out in large numbers in November, enthusiastic and prepared to make their vote count.”