Ten Maine Girls Receive Awards for “Turn Beauty Inside Out” Posters
Contact: Christine Burgess, York County Cooperative Extension, 41 Shaw’s Ridge Road, Sanford, ME 04073, (207) 324-2814, 1-800-287-1535, FAX: (207)324-0817
SANFORD, Maine — The University of Maine Cooperative Extension announces awards to ten girls for their entries into the first annual Turn Beauty Inside Out Maine Poster Contest. Winners are:
Category A, Ages 9-11
First Place: $75 prize, Marjorie Lee and Kaitlyn Toothaker, E. Waterboro
Second Place: $25 prize, Lucy Knowlton, Turner
Honorable Mention: Jessica Nelson, Waterford
Category B, Ages 12-14
First Place: $75 prize, Dakota Day, Saco
Second Place: $25 prize, Eve Miller, Freeport
Honorable Mention: Courtney McNabb, Portland
Category C, Age 15 — 18
First Place: $75 prize, Laura Girard, Acton
Second Place: $25 prize, Danielle Nelson, Cornish
Honorable Mention: Jenn Carlson, Sanford
Girls from all over the state responded to a call for poster entries to motivate and support girls to feel strong and confident in their bodies and their lives. Girls used their artistic voices to redefine beauty as good hearts, great works and activism.
Posters were judged for originality, design, artwork, creativity and overall effectiveness of the message.
“These posters illustrate a new and visible story about what it means to be female and truly beautiful in the world today,” says Christine Burgess, Cooperative Extension educator in York County.
The Maine Women’s Fund co sponsored this contest and will use parts of the posters to illustrate the program for their annual Evening to Honor Women and Girls on October 12.
More information about the Turn Beauty Inside Out, Maine project is available on the Internet at: www.umaine.edu/umext/genderproject