Maine 4-H Flag and Flower Project Set;

Contact: Lisa Phelps, UMaine Cooperative Extension at 1-800-287-1471

ORONO — In an effort intended to provide educational and community service experiences for young people around the state, Maine 4-H plans to renew its Flag and Flower Project, which links veterans groups with youth organizations.

The program began in 2003, with the intention of connecting veterans organizations with 4-H groups and other youth organizations, such as scouting units and school groups to place flags and plant flowers at cemeteries on Memorial Day.

“The young people and the veterans will both benefit from their association through this program,” says Richard Brzozowski, a UMaine Cooperative Extension professor based in Cumberland County. 

“It’s an important connection between the past and present, and an important contribution to the community,” says Lisa Phelps,  a UMaine Cooperative Extension assistant professor based in Cumberland County.  “The responses from youth group leaders that participated last year indicated it was an extremely powerful learning experience for the youth.”

Cooperative Extension provides the staffing for 4-H programs statewide. More than 16,000 Maine children, ages 5-18, participate in 4-H programs each year.

Members of veterans or youth groups that would like to participate in the project may register by visiting the 4-H Web page or by calling 1-800-287-1471.