Women’s Leadership Project in Bangor

Contact: Media contact: Louise Franck Cyr, Cooperative Extension, 1-800-287-0274; Nick Houtman, Dept. of Public Affairs, 207-581-3777

ORONO– The University of Maine Cooperative Extension Strengthening Women’s Leadership Capacity Project is now accepting registrations for the coming year. This nine-month educational series is a place for women to experiment with stepping into their full competent powerful selves as women and to practice effective leadership. 

“The project provides a place where women interested in exploring leadership in their lives, whether professionally or personally, can strengthen their leadership muscle,” says Louise Cyr, Extension educator who coordinates the project with Deb Burwell . “This is a developmental process and the group provides support and tools for each woman’s process.”

By joining the series, participants will deepen their knowledge about personal power; gain more understanding about their own potency and the effect their actions have on others; learn how to use personal power in service of bringing about social change; practice engaging in conflict, staying in the heat and cleaning up the toxic waste; explore how internalized oppression and sexism can get in the way of leadership capacity; and become part of a local network of women actively exploring their own female authority.

The series begins on October 14 and meets on the second Tuesday of each month for nine months.  Meetings are held from 6 to 9 p.m.  An informational meeting will be held on September 16 from 6 to 8 p.m. at 185 Harlow Street — Suite 2, The Old School House (next to the Bangor Public Library–” enter through the door farthest from the library).  A brochure and registration are available from Louise Franck Cyr at 1-800-287-0274 or Deb Burwell at 338-2162.