Maine is Making Stuff
Contact: Vicky Blanchette at (207) 581-2204
The Maine Coalition, comprising Challenger Learning Center of Maine, Maine Discovery Museum and University of Maine College of Engineering, has been chosen by WGBH/NOVA and the Materials Research Society to present a series of local events on nano and materials science as part of the four-part Making Stuff NOVA Series, starting Wednesday, January 19 on PBS.
Almost everything around you—the clothes you wear, the dishes you eat from, the computer you use, the bike you ride or the car you drive—is made of stuff. Materials science is the study of stuff—what it’s made of, how it works, and what we can do with it. For thousands of years, humans have been manipulating the elements and the world’s raw materials. Now, scientists are generating new materials that function differently and are stronger, smaller, cleaner, and smarter than ever. Expected to revolutionize medicine and technology, these innovations are likely to result in an unprecedented trove of nifty new stuff that is sure to transform the way we live, work, and play.
WGBH/NOVA has chosen coalitions to help extend the NOVA series’ outreach through area events and demonstrations.
Following is the Maine Coalition Making Stuff schedule of events:
Jan. 29-30 Making Stuff Kick-Off at the Maine Discovery Museum
· Two-day Kick-Off event at the Maine Discovery Museum with activities, interactive stations and presentations from Making Stuff and NISE Net for various age groups
· Families with children between ages 2-16 – Open to All (admission $7.50 – no charge for members or infants one year or less)
· Saturday 10:30 – 4:00 PM / Sunday 1:00 – 4:00 PM, 74 Main Street, Downtown Bangor
· Contact Trudi Plummer: (207) 262-7200 x 102
Feb. 3 Science Café at the Challenger Center with David Sturm “Food & Physics Road Show”
· Science Café with refreshments at the Challenger Center, 6:00 – 8:00 PM, 30 Venture Way, Bangor
· Families, General Public – Open to All (no admission)
Contact: Jennifer Therrien: (207) 990-2900 x 3
Feb. 8 Nano Expo at the University of Maine
· UMaine faculty and students will present hands-on demonstrations from Making Stuff and UMaine Engineering research on nano scale science and engineering & material science, and present tours of engineering laboratories to approximately 200 7th & 8th graders. Participants will attend from Leonard Middle School, Piscataquis Community Secondary School, and Central Middle School
· Registration is closed
Contact: Vicky Blanchette: (207) 581-2204
Feb. 19 Engineering EXPO, University of Southern Maine, Gorham
· The Maine Coalition will join top engineering firms, engineering colleges, government agencies and manufacturing firms featuring hands-on activities, demonstrations and interactive exhibits for children and their parents, engineers, and educators
· Families, General Public – Open to All
Contact: Vicky Blanchette: (207) 581-2204
MAKING STUFF, NOVA’s exciting four-part documentary series, premieres January 19, 2011. MAKING STUFF takes viewers on a thrilling tour of the material world and presents dramatic stories about how the field of materials science has changed history and is shaping the future. Each episode—Stronger, Smaller, Cleaner, and Smarter—gives viewers a behind-the-scenes look at scientific innovations that are happening every day on the frontiers of scientific research and ushering in a new generation of materials. MAKING STUFF is hosted by respected journalist, New York Times technology columnist, and Emmy Award-winning CBS News correspondent David Pogue.