Penobscot Bay Pilot, Republican Journal advance Hutchinson Center restorative practices program
The Penobscot Bay Pilot and Republican Journal advanced a six-session program, “Foundations in School-based Restorative Practices,” to be offered at the University of Maine Hutchinson Center in Belfast beginning June 27. Following sessions will take place June 28, Sept. 16, Oct. 25, Nov. 18 and Dec. 13, and all will be held 9 a.m.–4 p.m. The program is designed to offer a strong conceptual foundation, a supportive learning environment, and planning tools and resources to tailor to specific needs of schools, according to the articles. Schools must register in teams of up to five members, including at least one representative from administration. Teams will gain a strong foundation in restorative practices, and be better able to assess future support and development needs as they grow toward restorative culture change, the articles state. Program cost is $600 per person and includes materials, a light breakfast and a catered lunch. Registration is online, and a limited number of need-based scholarships are available. Upon completion, participants will earn a UMaine certificate in school-based restorative practices and 4.2 continuing education units/42 contact hours, the articles state. For more information or to request a reasonable accommodation, contact Michelle Patten, 207.338.8002;