Seacoast Online interviews Brewer about Maine governor’s race

Seacoast Online interviewed Mark Brewer, a professor of political science at the University of Maine, for an article about the Maine governor’s race. The race, a contest between a Democrat, a Republican and an independent, has been marked by decorum and lack of controversy, in contrast to the previous two election cycles, the article states. But certain elements still play into the competition. Brewer said independent candidates traditionally have taken votes from the Democratic candidate in a race. “I don’t think that there’s any doubt that Terry [Hayes] benefits Shawn Moody. I don’t think it gives him the edge, but it’s a positive for him,” Brewer said. Brewer described the campaigns and their ads as “chill,” reflecting the candidates’ personalities, and spoke to other factors in the race beyond policy. “Regardless of how far we think we’ve come, there is a gender component. Some voters act differently if it’s an aggressive female. Look at the criticism directed at Hillary Clinton,” said Brewer. “I suspect Mills’ campaign knows that and has taken it into consideration.”