School of Economics study cited in BDN article on craft beer

The Bangor Daily News article “Thirst for craft beer continues across US, Maine” cited a March 2017 study from the University of Maine School of Economics. All 50 states saw an increase in the number of breweries between 2012 and 2016, during which the total number nationwide grew from 880 to 2,802, the article states. And according to data from the Maine Brewers’ Guild, the number of craft brewers in Maine has increased almost 40 percent since January 2017, from 93 to 130, the BDN reported. On average, six craft breweries opened annually statewide in the past decade, according to the UMaine study, which was released by the Maine Brewers’ Guild. The groups are collaborating on a new study to be released in early January, according to the BDN.