BDN advances Maine Composts Week

The Bangor Daily News reported a collaboration of groups is seeking to engage Mainers by organizing the first Maine Composts Week, a series of events being held May 7–13, exemplifying what people can do to cut down on food waste. The week is being put on by a coalition of about 16 groups from across Maine and is being held in conjunction with International Compost Awareness Week, according to the article. While the title of the week alludes to only compost, steering committee chair Travis Blackmer wants the week to bring to light the range of ways in which Mainers can reduce food waste and make sure food is used to its maximum potential, the article states. “We’re trying to bring all aspects of the food nexus together. Food diversion, composting, food recovery — those are all things that are being done [in Maine],” said Blackmer, a lecturer in the University of Maine’s School of Economics and research associate at the Senator George J. Mitchell Center for Sustainability Solutions. The week will feature organized events including library talks and documentary screenings, the BDN reported. “Our hope is to inspire,” Blackmer said of this year’s goal.