Markowsky speaks with WLBZ about how to avoid cyber attacks

WLBZ (Channel 2) interviewed George Markowsky, a professor of computer science at the University of Maine, about how to avoid cyber attacks. Markowsky said a lot of people are easy targets and “cyber criminals will hit the easiest target they can.” He added the digital age has made the struggle between convenience and security a tough battle to fight for many people, WLBZ reported. To help protect yourself from such attacks, Markowsky offered tips such as choosing strong passwords, not posting personal information on social media and updating mobile apps to ensure you have the most secure version. “Every time you put your personal information on a website, you’re trusting that website in the same way you trust someone when you give them your keys,” said Nick Dieffenbacher-Krall, one of Markowsky’s students.