UMaine Announces Student Affairs Division Reorganization

Contact: Joe Carr at (207) 581-3571

ORONO — A new University of Maine Division of Student Affairs organizational structure, intended to unite the total student experience, inside and outside the classroom, while also maximizing the university’s efficiency, will be phased in this summer.

Under the new structure, UMaine Dean of Students Robert Dana becomes the university’s senior student affairs administrator.  He will report to UMaine Executive Vice President and Provost Robert Kennedy.  The Vice President of Student Affairs position, to be vacated upon the departure of Richard Chapman, will no longer exist.

“Robert has done a wonderful job as dean of students and I look forward to working more closely with him as he assumes additional duties,” Kennedy says.  “Working with Vice President Chapman, Robert has played a central role in improving the student experience at UMaine during the past few years.   There is a true sense of community at UMaine, and Robert has been a driving force behind many of the efforts that have brought us to the point where UMaine has become a model for others to emulate.”

“Vice President Chapman has played an important role in bringing UMaine to the point where these structural changes are possible,” says UMaine President Peter Hoff.  “We have made significant improvements in all of our student affairs functions during the past five years, due to Richard’s leadership and his ability to surround himself with highly capable associates, who are now able to move forward with greater responsibility.”

Three administrative areas, listed below, have been moved from the Vice President for Student Affairs area to that of the Vice President for Administration.  The new structure also leaves in place these units’ administrative connections to the Dean of Students, through a “dotted line” reporting connection that will ensure that people involved in all areas related to student services collaborate and communicate effectively.

– The Dept. of Public Safety,  under the direction of Chief Noel March

– Student Auxiliary Services (Executive Director Robin Toderian now becomes Assistant Vice President for Student Auxiliary Services and assumes administrative responsibility for University Printing Services and the University Bookstore)

– The Parking Services Office, with director Paul Paradis

“Dr. Chapman has put in place a strong, professional team with dedicated employees such as Robin, Noel and Paul and I look forward to building on his work to the the benefit of our students and the campus community,” says Vice President for Administration Janet Waldron.  “I fully expect that the reorganization will facilitate increased service, efficiency and opportunity.”