Orono Bog Boardwalk closing early

The Orono Bog Boardwalk will close at 4:30 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 15. The closing is six weeks earlier to allow for the third phase of the boardwalk reconstruction.

Between the closure and the reopening in the spring, 48 more sections of the boardwalk will be replaced, along with one interpretive station and one wheelchair turnout. The newly installed sections will be constructed of composite decking with cladded aluminum siding and stainless steel footings as are the 251 sections installed in the past three years.

The boardwalk currently is raising funds for the next 48 sections.

A volunteer staff maintains the boardwalk and provides information and education for visitors, including school and community groups. The facility is jointly managed by the Orono Land Trust, the city of Bangor and the University of Maine. Its operation and maintenance are funded by donations, sales of boardwalk merchandise and grants.

More information about the boardwalk, including how to volunteer for the October reconstruction or contribute funds is available on the Orono Bog Boardwalk website or Facebook page, by emailing jim.bird@umit.maine.edu, or calling 866.2578.