Ludlow UMaine Cooperative Extension Nutrition Aide Honored

Contact: Jolynn Stevens, 207-532-0506

HOULTON, Me.–Jolynn Stevens, a University of Maine Cooperative Extension Nutrition Aide from Ludlow, was honored recently at the National Extension Association for Family and Consumer Sciences (NEAFCS) 2006 annual session. Stevens provides nutrition education for families in southern Aroostook County as part of UMaine Extension’s Eat Well Program. She received the Eastern Region Para-Professional Award at the annual NEAFCS conference in Denver, Colorado.

The Para-Professional Award recognizes outstanding accomplishments of para-professionals in Extension Family and Consumer Sciences for the use of imaginative and effective methods to reach special audiences, including youth. Stevens received this award for her work in promoting behavior change in elementary school children and helping the school win a state nutrition award. Stevens also provides nutrition education and cooking classes to home-bound individuals through a home visitation program.

UMaine Extension Nutrition Professional Lisa Fishman, Stevens’ sponsoring NEAFCS member, remarked that “Jolynn