Educational Forum on Autumn Flowers

Contact: Joe Carr at (207) 581-3571

ORONO — The Edith Marion Patch Center for Entomology, the Environment and Education at the University of Maine will host a Sunday, Sept. 17 educational forum on the compositae family of plants. Julie Beckford of Sweet Pea Perennials will lead the discussion and hands-on activities related to compositae, which include asters, sunflowers, daisies and goldenrod.

The Sunday event, scheduled for 2 p.m. at UMaine’s Page Farm and Home Museum is part of the Edith Marion Patch Center’s educational forum series, which focuses on science and the environment, in celebration of Prof. Patch (1876-1954), the first woman scientist employed by UMaine.

After the compositae activity, a sample of snacks from the “Friends of Edith Patch Cookbook” will be served. The forum is free and open to the public.

For more information, contact Mary Bird ( at 581-2434) or Tiffany Wilson (tiffany_wilson@umit.maine.ed) at 581-3288.