Students Choose UMaine in Record Numbers

Contact: Joe Carr at (207) 581-3571

ORONO — A record number of new first-year students will begin studies at the University of Maine when fall semester classes get underway on Tuesday, Sept. 5. The Class of 2010 is made up of 1,950 students, which represents a seven percent increase over last year’s incoming class. The group also includes the largest number of in-state students to enroll at UMaine in any year, and the largest number of out-of-state students in a single class. The latter category continues to grow very quickly, having increased 55 percent over the past two years.

“The numbers themselves are impressive and gratifying,” says UMaine President Robert Kennedy. “But there is much more to celebrate in this group. They bring strong records of academic achievement, along with the characteristics and achievements that suggest that they will be outstanding leaders and community citizens. This is an impressive class, and we look forward to having them as part of the UMaine community.”

The first-year students who will live on campus will move into their residence halls today, participating in an award-winning UMaine program called the Maine Hello. Some 750 UMaine faculty and staff volunteers will greet the students and their families, and help move their belongings into the residence buildings. A series of activities are scheduled through the weekend, known at UMaine as Fall Welcome Weekend, to help get the students acclimated to college life and ready to begin classes next week.

“Word is out that UMaine is an excellent choice for a comprehensive, challenging and rewarding college experience,” Kennedy says. “This continued strong enrollment confirms that people see UMaine for its quality and its value.”

UMaine’s total fall student population is estimated to be 11,528, an approximately one percent increase over last year’s fall enrollment. Seventy-seven percent of UMaine’s students will be full-time; 20 percent will be graduate students.

Forty-five states and 47 countries are represented in UMaine’s student population.

UMaine’s 19 residence halls are at capacity, with 3,800 students choosing to live on campus.

Note: UMaine historical enrollment data are adjusted to discount former affiliations with University College and the University of Maine School of Law.