UMaine to Celebrate Wellness Award with May 4 Event

Contact: Joe Carr at (207) 581-3571

ORONO — The University of Maine will mark its ongoing efforts to create and sustain a healthy work environment with a May 4 celebration at the Maine Marketplace dining facility in Memorial Union.

The Wellness Councils of America (WELCOA) designated UMaine as a Silver Well Workplace in late February. UMaine’s comprehensive and successful wellness programs helped the Bangor region achieve dseignation as the first and only “Well Region” in the U.S. The May 4 event will recognize the efforts of the large number of UMaine employees who are working hard to improve and maintain their health, while also noting the outstanding efforts of the community leaders who have organized and promoted wellness activities at UMaine.

“We are extremely proud of the Silver Well Workplace designation, and what it says about the UMaine community,” says UMaine President Robert Kennedy. “It is important that we all work to model healthy behaviors for our students, and we recognize that those behaviors also have a real and positive impact in areas like morale, productivity and the management of healthcare costs.”

The May 4 event is scheduled for 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m.. It will feature “dine smart” menu specials, interactive entertainment and body fat analysis. Other fun activities will include a “beat the clock” game, with alarm clocks at each cash register. When the alarm goes off, the customer at the cash register will get a free lunch.