Monmouth UMaine Cooperative Extention Specialist Wins National Recognition

Contact: Richard Brzozowski, 207-780-4205

MONMOUTH, Me. –David Handley of University of Maine Cooperative Extension was honored by the National Association of County Agricultural Agents (NACAA) at their 2007 annual meeting and professional improvement conference, held July 15-19 in Grand Rapids, Mich. Handley, who represented Maine as its voting delegate at the conference, received the Distinguished Service Award.

The Distinguished Service Award is granted for at least ten years of exceptional service to Cooperative Extension. Winners must have implemented an effective Extension program which includes carrying to completion constructive and outstanding work. As Vegetable and Small Fruit Specialist and Cooperating Professor of Horticulture, Handley has been based at Highmoor Farm, UMaine’s fruit and vegetable research station, since 1983.

Handley carries out applied research regarding vegetable and berry variety evaluation, and also coordinates the statewide integrated pest management programs for strawberries and sweet corn. He has also authored numerous fact sheets and newsletters, and is the co-author of two regional small-fruit production guides.


A photo of David Handley is available upon request.