Annual 4/20-4:20 Race, Walk Set for April 20

April 18, 2011

The fourth annual Healthy High Race/Walk is scheduled for Wednesday, April 20 at the University of Maine, with a 5K and a 10K run/walk scheduled to start at the Student Recreation and Fitness Center at 4:20 p.m.

The race promotes a healthy lifestyle and celebrates healthy choices, according to organizer Rebecca Davison, the graduate assistant in the Alcohol and Drug Education Programs Office. Registration begins at noon at the fitness center. Entry fees are $5 for students and $10 for non-students. The first 500 to sign up will receive a T-shirt. Additional information is on the Alcohol and Drug Education Program website (

“In the past we have had about 500 people either participate or support the race,” Davison says. “We have added the 10K component this year to open the race up to runners and walkers looking for more of a challenge.”

The Alcohol and Drug Education Programs Office coordinates the race with support from Residence Life, Student Affairs, Hannaford, The Natural Living Center, the University of Maine Bookstore, CASE, Campus Recreation and S.A.A.C.

Contact: Rebecca Davison, (207) 581-1430