Title IX Student Services

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The University of Maine’s Title IX Student Services works to promote a safe community for everyone. They strive to reduce sexual assault, relationship violence, and stalking by encouraging healthy and consensual relationships. Services are available to everyone, free of charge. Title IX provides specific resources and support for students, employees, pregnant or parenting students, and anyone experiencing sexual violence, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking, retaliation, or sexual misconduct. Title IX Student Services provides workshops and presentations focusing on the areas of sexual violence, relationship abuse and stalking to any group via request. They offer ongoing resources and referrals on interpersonal violence. 

Forms for making either an anonymous or mandated report are at the top of the Title IX web page. More information about consent, sexual violence, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking, retaliation, and sexual misconduct, as well as what services are available to provide support can be found on the Title IX website. Information about Title IX events and trainings, which encompass important topics such as bystander intervention and sexual assault prevention, as well as resources related to mental health, community, support, and accommodation services can be found on the Title IX website. For more information about resources and related topics, please contact Title IX at 207-581-1406, um.titleix@maine.edu, or Room 315 in the Memorial Union. Feel free to reach out on Instagram (@umaine_titleix).