The next Solid Waste Operator Forum well be held at AVCOG on Tuesday, May 9th starting at 11:30 am.
• Mark King, Maine DEP
Discussion about ways to start an on-site composting program at your transfer facility; rules and regulation that apply to composting on site; rules and regulation relative to adding food scraps to an on-site composting program; other composting opportunities in the state; ways you can begin recovering food scraps for composting or anaerobic digestion at your transfer station. Included will be information on activities and events happening during the first Maine Compost Week May 7-13, 2017. We also want to ask you what your thoughts are on organics recovery, and challenges/opportunities you see that affect how you address the organics recovery issues facing Maine.
• Other
Lunch will be provided, please RSVP to Lisa Bonney (E-mail: or call 783-9186) by Monday May 8th, if you plan to attend.