Dawson Pillow – Empowering Community Resilience and Economic Development in Washington County

Dawson Pillow

2023 Mitchell Center Intern

Academic Program: Ecology & Environmental Sciences, UMaine
Project: Empowering Community Resilience and Economic Development in Washington County
Team Leader: Tora Johnson, University of Maine at Machias; Jennifer Peters, Sunrise County Economic Council

Why are you interested in the problem you are working on?
I’m very interested in supporting rural communities in their planning efforts. I think it’s a really interesting application of what I learned as an environmental science major with a lot of potential to make positive impacts. I was, and still am, excited to learn more about community planning and the way environmental sciences, especially climate change, are playing an increasing role in how planning is approached.

How could your work contribute to a sustainable future in Maine and beyond?
Creating sustainable communities is achieved through largely planning, so working to support community planning efforts by providing technical capacity for rural areas is critical to achieving a sustainable future for Maine.

What do you feel are the most important skills that you bring to your internship?
I think I have good organizational skills that have helped me through this internship so far, which have been especially important given that I am doing most of my work remotely. And thinking less about skills, I think that bringing a positive attitude and openness to trying new things has been important for me in this position.

What have you learned through your participation in this internship?
I’ve really learned a lot about the intricate nature of community planning, and how interdisciplinary this work is. There are so many things taken into consideration that I definitely never thought about before starting this internship. As well, as someone interested in Geographical Information Systems (GIS), but without a deep background in it, I have already learned so much more about its applications in the real world, and the role of maps and map design for community planning overall.

What are your personal goals for this internship? What do you hope to accomplish?
I’m very interested in learning more about how GIS can be applied to issues of climate change and developing my skills with that technology, especially in a professional environment. Through the internship, I have also become more interested in how my background in environmental science can support community planning efforts, and am excited to learn more about that field. Overall, my goals are to continue improving my knowledge of GIS and contribute good and useful work to the project.

How do you like to spend your free time/downtime?
In my free time, I really enjoy getting outside, running, hiking, or kayaking, especially in the mountains. If not doing one of those things, then spending time with my cat and watching a movie.

What’s your ultimate Maine experience?
My ultimate Maine experience is being in any of the great mountains, whether it’s Acadia, the Bigelows, or Baxter State Park, any of those places are where I really realize just how beautiful this state is.