
Seeing Forests Through the Trees

In a recent UMaine News story, SSI Ph.D. graduate Spencer Meyer discusses the rapid increase in land protection in northern New England from 1999-2010. Meyer’s research team, which included Christopher Cronan, School of Biology and Ecology, Robert Lilieholm, School of Forest Resources, David Foster, Harvard University and fellow Ph.D. graduate Michelle Johnson, studied the socioeconomic […]

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Maine Reaps Benefits of 50-Year-Old Water Resources Research Act

The Maine Water Resources Research Institute (WRRI), a program of the Senator George J. Mitchell Center for Sustainability Solutions, joins the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), stakeholders and academic partners in recognizing the importance of the pivotal Water Resources Research Act (WRRA) on it’s 50th anniversary. Signed into law by in 1964 President Lyndon B. Johnson, […]

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Some Landowners Embrace Sustainability, Some Don’t – SSI Examines Why

Why do some landowners embrace sustainability and conservation in their environs while others ignore these concepts altogether? This was one of the main questions Michael Quartuch explored in his doctoral research at UMaine’s Sustainability Solutions Initiative (SSI). It’s a complex query. As part of SSI’s People, Landscape and Communities team (PLACE), Quartuch, a recent PhD […]

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Seeking Postdoctoral Research Associate (Estuarine Modeler)

A position is available for a Postdoctoral Research Associate (Estuarine Modeler) on the NEST Safe Beaches and Shellfish Project. The successful candidate will work as a member of an interdisciplinary team developing and implementing estuarine-coastal models to investigate the interaction between estuarine conditions and bacterial pollution. To see job details or apply, please visit the […]

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Despite Critiques, Environmental Law Scholars Support Interdisciplinary Research

Among environmental researchers, the challenges of interdisciplinary engagement have become a hot topic. The participants in that discussion range from environmental economists to communications specialists to ecologists. Yet the literature says hardly anything about the potential role of law. Meanwhile, the legal world has been engaged in its own debates about interdisciplinary research. Many participants […]

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SSI Post-doctoral Fellow Christine Lamanna Tackles Disappearing Plants Mystery

Plants that grow in alpine environments are often the proverbial “canary in the coal mine” when it comes to climate change. A number of plants have disappeared from Acadia National Park despite being protected for nearly a century. Climate change is the prime suspect. Christine Lamanna, a post-doctoral fellow at the Mitchell Center’s Sustainability Solutions […]

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Scholarly Article: Vernal Pools Conservation Calls for Diverse Perspectives

A new article in the Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences (PNAS) documents nearly 15 years of crucial, dynamic vernal pools research and management by UMaine’s Aram Calhoun who is leading an interdisciplinary team at the Sustainability Solutions Initiative (SSI), a program of the Mitchell Center. In the article, published this week online at, Calhoun […]

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Bay to Baxter: As the Penobscot River changes, so must we

In a July 11, 2014 op-ed for Bangor Daily News, SSI researcher Rob Lilieholm reflects on the history and changes in the Penobscot watershed, and on the future for towns along the river in a time of great transition. “Those who came before us used the river for fish and transport, and they harnessed its […]

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