
Kelemen co-authors study on agriculture and climate change mitigation

Sara Kelemen, a UMaine master’s student in plant, soil and environmental sciences, co-authored a recent report published by Rutgers University on how agricultural practices can help mitigate climate change. Researchers found that “increasing adoption of agricultural practices such as cover-cropping, grazing management and agroforestry can increase the amount of carbon stored in soils to help […]

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Screenshot from Zoom recording of student presentations of their sustainability research. Nine boxes are visible, most with single students and one with several students. Mitchell Center Senior Fellow Linda Silka (top center) facilitates.

Students present their sustainability research in “Lightning Talks”

On Monday, November 15, the Mitchell Center’s Sustainability Lightning Talks event gave students from UMaine and other Maine schools the opportunity to present their sustainability research—with a five-minute time limit. The students work closely with stakeholders on issues that matter to communities, and they focus their research on solutions. In his introduction to the student […]

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Peckenham quoted in BDN story about quarry landfills

John Peckenham, a Mitchell Center research associate, was quoted in a recent Bangor Daily News article on some of the issues associated with landfills established in old quarries, including two current ones in Rockland and Rockport. Peckenham has worked for decades on wastewater and water pollution in Maine and has direct experience with contamination of […]

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Schattman involved in study showing increase in homegrown food during pandemic

As reported recently by UMaine News, new research from the University of Maine and University of Vermont discovered that residents in their respective states grew, fished, raised, foraged or hunted more of their own food during the COVID-19 pandemic. “We should think carefully about how supporting our local food systems can help alleviate the negative […]

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Shell midden research receives Maine Historical Preservation Commission grant

A UMaine archaeological survey team has received a grant from the Maine Historical Preservation Commission to use technology to update the status of four prehistoric coastal shell middens in Lincoln County that are now on the National Register of Historic Places. The $23,000 MHPC grant, which has been matched by UMaine, supports a three-part project […]

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Media highlight Food Rescue MAINE

The Kennebunk Post and Portsmouth Herald recently highlighted Food Rescue MAINE, a Mitchell Center program, in a story about the organization We Compost It! canceling its curbside pickup service for food waste. According to the articles, a resident recommended that the Town Council explore Food Rescue MAINE, which is a statewide project focused on reducing food waste.

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New policy allows Maine businesses to implement reusable food take-out containers

Recent changes to Maine’s Food Code allow Maine businesses to offer reusable and returnable take-out food containers, giving businesses more options for serving their customers and reducing costs while also helping to curb pollution and protect Maine’s woods, waters and wildlife. The updated policy is a result of findings from a research project that is exploring the […]

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