Changing Climate Could Affect State’s Maple Syrup Production
Jenny Shrum wants to understand the relationship between climate and maple sap flow – and the potential effects on Maine’s maple syrup industry. It’s a big undertaking, one that could shed light on the future of one of Maine’s more distinctive brands. Shrum, a Masters student at UMaine’s School of Biology and Ecology and a Graduate Research Assistant with the Sustainability Solutions Initiative, is studying how our changing weather patterns affect sap flow and resulting syrup production. The general trend in Maine has been toward warmer weather and earlier runs. If Shrum’s research confirms that the maple trees will continue to flow ever-earlier in Maine, will the people who produce maple syrup also be willing to continue – even if that means cutting into the more lucrative timber season? Though larger syrup producers may be able to adjust, smaller landowners, in most cases, use their acreage and precious time for a variety of enterprises. See more on this story