MeSH Extracurricular Resources

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MeSH has expanded to include student organizations, campus facilities, and infrastructure as key elements. Ongoing meetings with students have revealed a need for a more holistic vision of sustainability that integrates the academic experience with opportunities for civic engagement and advocacy through participation in student life, clubs, student government, community service, experiential, and service learning. MeSH supports student endeavors to create activities, events, and organizations related to sustainability, and aims to provide helpful resources. Many student organizations throughout UMaine history have endeavored to work on important environmental, ethical, social justice, and equity issues. There are many opportunities for students to participate in sustainability related education events and activities even if they are not affiliated with a certain organization. One of MeSH’s primary goals is to foster awareness and coalition-building for sustainable change in the areas of academics, facilities, infrastructure, community engagement, and campus life. Student activity organized by campus organizations has historically been a significant driver of administrative change at UMaine.