Katie Simmons – Penobscot Nation Energy Initiatives

Katie Simmons

Why are you interested in the problem you are working on?

I like the idea that I will be able to help with projects that will create a real impact for the Penobscot Nation on their climate goals. I have always been interested in renewable energies, so I’m excited to work on solar system projects as well.

How could your work contribute to a sustainable future in Maine and beyond?

The energy efficiency solutions that we are working on can be used as a model for other tribes or towns to implement their own projects. 

What do you feel are the most important skills that you bring to your internship?

I think my keen interest in the projects as well as my ability to learn as I go will set me up well to succeed in this internship. 

What have you learned through your participation in this internship?

So far I have learned a lot about how many different people and entities are involved in climate solutions. It has been super interesting to be able to sit in on meetings and be able to participate in the process of finding funding, applying for funding, working with contractors, actual implementation of projects, etc. 

What are your personal goals for this internship? What do you hope to accomplish?

I’m excited to learn more about the Penobscot Nation and be able to work alongside their community. I hope to come away from this experience with a much deeper understanding of the process and problem solving of implementing sustainable solutions.

How do you like to spend your free time/down time?

Playing ultimate frisbee, skiing, hiking, and just enjoying the Maine outdoors.

What’s your ultimate Maine experience?

Going on a hike, I think everyone should hike Katahdin if they have the chance, and ending the night with s’mores over a fire.