Recent publications from the Mitchell Center community

Mitchell Center community members actively publish their research across a diverse range of academic journals. The following is a sample of recent papers by Mitchell Center faculty, students, and alumni.

Divided Perception of Drinking Water Safety: Another Manifestation of America’s Racial Gap
Onur Apul, Rianna Grissom, Uzay Damali, Robin Toof
ACS ES&T Water. 2021, Volume 1, Issue 1, Pages 6-7

Global forest management, carbon sequestration and bioenergy supply under alternative shared socioeconomic pathways
Adam Daigneault, Alice Favero
Land Use Policy. Volume 103, April 2021, 105302

Landscape features predict the current and forecast the future geographic spread of Lyme disease
Allison M. Gardner, Natalie C. Pawlikowski, Sarah A. Hamer, Graham J. Hickling, James R. Miller, Anna M. Schotthoefer, Jean I. Tsao, Brian F. Allan
Proc. R. Soc. B. Volume 287, Issue 1941, 2020227820202278

Coordinated river infrastructure decisions improve net social-ecological benefits
Samuel G. Roy, Adam Daigneault, Joseph Zydlewski, Allison Truhlar, Sean Smith, Shaleen Jain, David Hart
Environmental Research Letters. Volume 15, Number 10

Determinants of visitor climate change risk perceptions in Acadia National Park, Maine
Lydia Horne, Sandra De Urioste-Stone, Erin Seekamp, Parinaz Rahimzadeh-Bajgiran, Laura Rickard
Volume 35, September 2021, 100401

Fish Tales: How Narrative Modality, Emotion, and Transportation Influence Support for Sustainable Aquaculture
Laura N. Rickard, Janet Z. Yang, Sixiao Lui
Science Communication. Volume 43, Issue 2, pages 252-275