Media cover launch of Readfield food recycling program

Credit: Susanne Lee

The Bangor Daily, the Sun Journal, and Waste Advantage Magazine reported on the July 24 launch of a municipal food recycling program organized by the towns of Readfield, Fayette and Wayne, in partnership with the Mitchell Center and the Maine Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). The program, which is part of the Food Rescue MAINE initiative, kicked off with a ribbon-cutting ceremony and giveaways at the Readfield transfer station.

WABI 5 also covered the event with a segment aired on July 24.

Sen. Craig Hickman, Mark King, and project leader Susanne Lee at the Readfield food recycling program launch. Credit: Susanne Lee

Maine Senator Craig Hickman, who represents Readfield as part of District 14, spoke at the event along with Mark King, organics specialist with Maine DEP.

Senator Hickman has advocated for years to reduce food waste and in 2018 sponsored a bill, “An Act to Reduce Hunger, Support Maine Farms and Reduce Waste” (LD 1534), that helped make programs like Readfield’s possible. The Mitchell Center’s Materials Management team convened a stakeholder working group to provide input to the Maine Legislature on the bill as well as problems and potential solutions related to food waste and food insecurity in Maine.